Most Ambitious and Interesting AI Fields


AI in Gaming

Ai in gaming is set off a rule made by the programmer which makes the gaming environment more live and improves player experience in gaming. There are many types of rules in gaming but we are discussing a few of them: -

Finite System Machines

At the present maximum number of games are 3d games. In gaming, many numbers of states (nodes) are available according to the player's selection or choice of particular sets unlocked for different activities. FSM is used for developing enemy decisions according to the main characters decisions. Only one state(node) is activated at one time. The use of FSM is quite limiting now many advanced AI is used in place of them but adding FSM with other air can result in better experience. Use- Taking a weapon, weather changes according to time, diving etc.

Behavior Tree

This is an AI program used in gaming. Behavior trees are used in place of finite state machines. The behavior tree controls a number of decisions flow of any character. Game makers are interested in open world gaming where traveling is one most important part. so, the availability of non- controllable player's behavior is decided by behavior tree programming. Behavior tree is used to increase complexity. the behavior tree adds some features for a player to the storyline of the main character according to his decision. Just like a tree, a behavior tree also has a leaf, branch, root. The leaf contains low-level tasks for a player. Use: sequencing the story line, health change, character's choices and strategies.

Planning in AI Gaming

In gaming, all the data is pre-stored in the form of codes. The goal of gaming is entertainment, and the focus on the planning of non-playable characters is the most important part of AI to make a game more intelligent and more interesting. Planning contains different actions according to stage, weapons, skills or levels. That makes the game more dynamic and interesting.

Artificial Intelligence in Robotics

Intelligence, reasoning, and general decision ability is the basic  need for an artificial intelligence robot. The presence of intelligence makes a robot an AI.

Every program has a predetermined area but in AI robotics is suitable for the multipurpose area like military, gaming, solving problems, stopping crime, and many unthinkable things.

For an AI robot, ANN or DNS is a must thing. Function of neural system area is broad in human body, so it's important to build something like neural system

Optical character reader is a helpful technique to understanding text and digit form of data.

This type of method can help to understand the ability of images or input form of visuals.

Sensing: many types of sensors required in AI robots. One unit requires data collected from sensors and used according to requirements.

Our brain has the ability to save face on mind easily but it's hard to save data directly in text format. But AI algorithms make it easy to memorize both text and image.

A robot should follow robotics 3 law if there are any chances to break any rule so these precautions program auto-activate and deactivate all the current operations.

Decision ability is the ability of development, programming a perfect decision taking algorithm is still a great challenge in AI.

Artificial Intelligence in Automobiles

In the automobile field, the meaning of AI relates to a driverless vehicle. Driving a car without a driver requires many things in sequence (Real time GPS, real-time traffic data, use of radar, computer vision algorithms, environment and human detection camera).In a field of autonomous,

Aircraft and trains are receiving too much attention. The autonomous car can make driving safer.

  • Artificially operating vehicles can be helpful for military purposes.
  • UMV could be a remote controller when necessity needs.
  • Used in space applications and mining.

Khemanshu Kumar Sahu

Assistant Professor (Mechanical Engineering)